For the first time ever, we're unleashing
this system on the public..
(for a VERY limited

If you're looking for a simple way to make a nice fat income
WITHOUT special skills or expertise, this is EXACTLY what you
This is literally it, the Holy Grail...
This is what you've been searching for this whole

Good question...
First of all, let me ask you a question right
... what is it that makes it almost impossible for a beginner
to make money?
It s having a duplicatable system that s
proven time and time again to turn the right kind of
traffic into cold hard spendable cash
Simple as that.
And yes, there are a ton of products out there that show you
how to get started, pick a niche, throw up a quick blog...all the
old slow stuff that has too many variables and requires you to
make too many decisions, and leaves too many things to chance
... and on top of
it all They leave you hanging when it comes to actually getting
That's why it's almost impossible for regular people to turn a
solid profit using all this BS "loophole" and "glitch" stuff
that's out there...
... there ISN'T a glitch.
Which means you're again left hanging, trying to get people to
visit your site when you've no idea how.
But this is different.
Because you don't NEED traffic with it.
Actually, that's important, so let me repeat it in big dumb

That's why it's called Copy Paste
... just copy and paste what you see us doing in the videos,
and the traffic will automatically come to you.
No joke.
I'm not talking about trickles of incidental SEO traffic
either... this has nothing to do with search engines or page
optimization of any kind. Relying on SEO to get visitors is a
little bit too much like relying on luck...
This is business, and business should not be about
relying on luck.
Actually, while we're here, let me tell you a few of the other
things this DOESN'T rely on...
No PPC of any
kind... |
No SEO at all... |
No backlinking... |
No Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any
other search engine.. |
No Facebook secrets, Twitter trash
or anything else... |
No CPA, PPV or any other 3 letter
buzz-words... |
... and there's certainly no glitches, loopholes, or any other
BS designed to get you all fired about something that doesn't even
This system really is like NOTHING you've seen before... and
I'm really not kidding when I tell you the traffic is
No keyword research, no bidding on search terms,
nothing like that.
You don't even have to pick a niche.
And listen...

You're thinking that it all sounds great, but it's easy for me
to say, right?
I mean, it's my system...
of course I'm going to say nice things.
And you're right to think that. You should
always be sceptical about ANYTHING you read on the
That's why you shouldn't take my word for any of
... instead, check out what these guys had to say when I gave
them early Beta access...
Holly Sutton From Salem, OR writes:
In May of 2010 I did not only want but needed
something to earn some extra cash and to be able to
eventually quit my job.
I did not know where to start or how to start so I turned
to Corey who s actually one of my fianc s best friends. I
knew that he had been making money at home online for a
while now and that he had become pretty successful!
So one evening in May of 2010 we set up a time on skype
and he helped me get set up with the basics
I knew nothing!
I did not have a techy background.
I had no idea how to edit a web page. I had no clue what I
was doing. All I knew is that I wanted to make money like
So after I was all set up I started using the Copy Paste
Traffic methods.
Not only are the methods easy they
provided results.
I wasn't waiting days upon days to see a sale
I started seeing results right away.
and the best thing of all is I was able to quit my 9-5
day job in November and I now work from home full
Corey and Winter are very successful and know what they
are doing.
I highly recommend this product. This does
work! I am proof of that.
To online success! --Holly
PS: This was one of the best holiady seasons ever! We got
to travel down to arizona to visit family for Thanksgiving
(wouldn't have been able to do that if I was still working
at my JOB...) and we even splurged a little extra on
christmas lights for the house...check out this pic...

Holly had NEVER made a cent online in her
... and yet now she's making not only regular money,
... but getting the kind of income that let her quit her job,
and live a life of freedom.
And let's face it - it's all about the freedom isn't it?
These are ordinary people, with no special skills... and
they're on easy street because of the hard-fought secrets you'll
discover inside Copy Paste
Secrets like these:
That's just a tiny sample of what you get in this
astonishing package...
... there's MUCH more inside, and best of all, it's even all broken down in
simple to understand video.
All you need to do is watch, and copy.
We've made it super simple... but I didn't want to leave it
You've already seen how traffic is a non-factor with this
system, right?
Well, I wanted to make sure everything else was a non-factor

If you've ever bought any kind of online business course,
you've no doubt come up against what I call "the barrier".
You know what I'm talking about - when everything looks
great, until you hit one big problem that stops you in your
Maybe you discover half way through that you'll need a boatload
of money to get started...
... or maybe you realise you'll need to manually build your own
sites, but you don't have the skill.
Stuff like that.
Let's face it, putting together a decent looking site is no
easy task when you're just starting out... if it doesn't look just
right, you won't make money...
... and we all know how expensive it can be to outsource the
sites you need.
Wouldn't it be cool if all you had to do was click a button,
and your pages were created for you?
Just imagine how powerful that is for you. All the pages you ever need, just a click
away... and complete with pro graphics and copy, and FULLY
monetized too.

You see, I was deadly serious when I said you could get
everything set up in 25 minutes.
And that's great I know...
... but what's really important is how long it takes
to make money, right?
Well, you'll be pleased to hear that once you're set up, it can
be amazingly fast...
You've already seen how Winter was making enough to fill his
Paypal account his first few weeks... and that was with an
old version of the system...
With the new one, it's not unusual for people to make
money the same DAY they get started...
But hey, we agreed you shouldn't take my word for stuff like
that, didn't we?
Here's another test subject, telling you how long THEY took to
make money...
Phil Springer From Ashland, OR Writes in:
I've known Corey for years since he was a kid in
highschool. We kept in touch over the years and when I
finally graduated college I quickly realized my new degree
wasn't going to get me even close to the income I was hoping
for. Especially in my area where jobs in my field are very
few and far between.
I knew I could put my education to better use than a
minimum wage job...Corey mentioned what he was up to online
various times but while I was in school I just couldn't find
the extra capacity to take on something else. But now that I
was out of school I decided to hit him up and get the story
on how all this stuff worked.
One afternoon he walked me through the system. I spent a
few hours getting set up... I then fired off my first "Copy
Paste Traffic" Campaign and went to bed...
The next day I woke up to see that it had actually
worked! I looked at my stats and there it was... my
very first sale... had come in overnight while I
slept. It was an amazing feeling.
Since then I've continued to grow my online business
using the strategies taught in "Copy Paste Traffic" and now
regularly see 4 figure weeks.
Thanks guys!
--Phil Springer |

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had an
autopilot money-maker like this?
What's the first thing you'd do?
First thing I did was roll on down to my office and tell my
boss he was fired. It was great, I'll never forget it... he
started to chew me out for disrespecting him, and I just walked
out the door and never looked back.
And since then, life has gotten better and better... I make
enough money that I get to do what I want, when I want... and
where I want.
So seriously, what would your life be
Picture it - big oceanfront house... sports cars... you name
it, it's yours. When you're making a big autopilot income like
this, the world becomes your oyster.
Personally, I like to travel... and because of this business, I
get to go just about wherever I want, whenever I want to!
Pretty amazing huh?
That's just scratching the surface too... a business like this
really does set you free to do the things you want to do...
And Copy Paste Traffic will get you there with secrets
like this:
How Winter used this system
(with ZERO online experience) to build a list of over
100,000 hungry, targeted subscribers in less than a year -
that's more than 8,000 subscribers a month, and over 300
each day... |
Why keyword research, worrying about
search engines and all the other stuff you're told to do is
just garbage... it's a complete waste of time, and the guys
in the know are KEEPING the truth from you (more on this
later) |
How to easily quadruple your income once
you reach a certain profit level (and it only takes 25-30
days too)... |
We reveal how Winter created a list of
4,370 subscribers in just 10 days... AND generated $3,141 in
affiliate commissions at the same time... |
How to get started instantly, even if you've no skills,
no experience, and no money, you can still get started
sucking down traffic and making money
immediately... |
The insider secrets behind generating
probably the easiest affiliate commissions you'll ever
see... it's simple, easy to set up, and best of all you'll
get paid residually... |
How to amp up the profits from the site
visitors you already have... a very easy way to "bolt on"
more income to your existing business... it's so simple, I
have no idea why more people aren't doing it... |
The big secret behind REALLY making money
from online marketing... it's not all about picking a niche
and building tons of pointless blogs or review sites- this
will hit you like a cold, hard, slap to the face... but
you'll be glad you found out the
TRUTH... |
And again, all that sounds great but it really is just a small
sample of what's inside...
You see, this is a hardcore, no-holds-barred money
making system.
I'm literally handing you a Copy and Paste solution to make as much
cash as you want, with very little effort...
... and I know it works, because it's the exact system I've
been using to make five figure profits month after month.
You could literally get access to everything right now, and have your
first money-maker set up inside the next hour...
And sure, that speed is good...

The most powerful thing is that you don't need to worry
about driving traffic...
And that means you won't waste days or weeks choosing and
researching different niches, only to find there's too much
competition, or not enough, or whatever the heck the gurus tell
you it should be this week...
... and it certainly doesn't mean that you'll spend hours and
hours stuck in front of some shiny new piece of keyword software,
hoping to find the one-in-a-million keyword that everybody else
With your CopyPaste Traffic System, you don't need anything else!
You get everything! This is a completely
new method of business, and I guarantee you've never seen it
I'm not kidding, I really do guarantee it.

As well as making sure you NEVER need to worry about traffic,
and letting you generate profit pulling pages at the push of a
button, there's one more thing I've taken care of for you...
Making sales like you've never seen before!
You see, Winter and I have compiled all our most successful
tools... the stuff we've used over and over again to make hundreds
of thousands of dollars...

With your new found resources, it's VERY easy to
generate cash on demand.
That's what makes this system so powerful. It's super easy,
quick to work, but it has so much potential, your income really
could be unlimited...
If you're looking for:
This is exactly what you need.
No other online business works so quickly or so easily, and is
so perfect for anyone even if you have zero experience.

In just a second, you'll get access to our High Security
members area.
In there, you'll be able to use our software right away, to
instantly generate your own high-profit pages.
You'll also get live, immediate access to our training videos.
They'll show you what to do (in precise detail), when to do it, and why...
(It's there that you'll learn to get your first moneymaker
up and running in just 25 minutes...)
PLUS... you'll also get access to a ton of other cool stuff...
including those super valuable secret tools, and some AMAZING
automated traffic multiplication software.
And yes, in case you're wondering the traffic
multiplier software is every bit as cool and effective as
it sounds...

How much do you WANT to pay for this?
How much would you willingly pay for a system that lets you
create unlimited moneymaking sites with just a handful of mouse
clicks and NEVER have to worry about traffic ever again?
And how much would you pay for EXPERT guidance to show you how
to copy and paste your way to a very easy, very fast five-figure
monthly income?
You'd pay a lot right?
Well, the good news is that I'm going to give you access for
next to nothing.
To be brutally honest, I'm sick and tired of seeing all these
people pimping out their lame-ass systems, and ripping everybody
off with stuff that doesn't work.
So I want to make sure I can get this into the hands of as many
people as possible...
... because I KNOW that it will work for you... there's simply
nothing left to chance.
And for that reason, I took the original $147 price tag, and
slashed it to just $67.
(PLEASE NOTE: I'm currently testing prices - keep
reading to see how to get on board for even less than
You're 100% Protected By A Simple,
No-Risk 100% Cashback 8-Week Guarantee...
Why Not Take A Zero-Obligation
Go ahead and download Copy Paste Traffic right now,
and give it a try.
I'll give you 2 whole months to test
At any time during that 60 day period:
- If you don't think you got value for money
- If you don't make money
- Or if you're unhappy for ANY other reason
- Sumit a support ticket
... and I'll personally arrange for a quick and
painless refund of every penny you paid...No hard
feelings and we'll part as friends.
We've already talked about how it only takes 25
minutes to get one of these money-makers up and
... so 60 days gives you plenty of time to see
exactly how much money this system will make YOU.
There's no doubt in my mind you'll be able to copy
my success - after all, you're getting the exact same
system we use daily...
... and now, with this guarantee, you can try it
out, without risking a single cent.
So go ahead and take advantage of this risk-free
trial while I'm still crazy enough to offer it...

Yes, I Want To Take Advantage Of This
Risk Free Trial
NOW | |
We both know that you don't get to try something like this
risk-free very often... so doesn't it make sense to jump on it
while it's still there?
Earlier I promised you a great price, and I wasn't kidding.
Move now, and get in for just $37

Important: If the button above reads $37, you're seeing
an early test price, discounted from the $67 - - Click it now
before it reverts to $67
Now, we need to level with each other.
So far, you've seen undeniable proof of how much money this
system makes... not just the usual Clickbank product launch
screens either...
You've seen how quick and easy it is to get up and running,
thanks to the automated software and all the other stuff we've
... and you've also seen other people that are already
making good money.
These people aren't professional marketers either... they're
just regular joes like us who were able to listen to simple
instructions and copy what's on the videos.
So now it's decision time.
Are you in or are you out?
The choice you make today will affect the rest of your
You need to decide whether you want to embrace this astonishing
opportunity for what it is and start living your new life right
... or whether you're going to let it slip through your
fingers, and go on endlessly chasing other ways to make money.
I wasn't kidding earlier when I said this was the easiest and
fastest way to make money I'd ever seen... Winter was able to get
up to $15k a month within 90 days, starting from scratch with ZERO
marketing experience - and that was before we'd perfected the
So hit the button below, and grab your future with both

Don't forget...
... you're getting everything you need to start making
money right away - it's all provided for you...
... but you have to act FAST.

Grab a credit or debit card, and hit the link below.
You'll be taken to a 100% secure order page, and the second
your order is complete, you'll get access to all that great stuff
we talked about... at any time of the day or night.
Remember, my risk-free trial offer means you have NOTHING to
lose and everything to gain... the life, the income, and the
success you deserve.